Prince of Wales–Hyder Census Area

County in Unorganized Borough, Alaska, United States of America, North America

dcid: geoId/02198
Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area is a county in Alaska, United States. The population in Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area was 5,650 in 2022. The median age in Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area was 43 in 2021. The median income in Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area was $26,943 in 2021. The unemployment rate in Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area was 6.1% in 2023. The percentage of people with obesity in Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area was 39.1% in 2021. The percentage of people who binge drink in Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area was 18.5% in 2021. The percentage of people who smoke in Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area was 25% in 2021.
